Dear Supporter, 


Rolling Hills Little League Baseball is about to start the 2024 season and will continue our proud tradition of providing our kids with the best Little League experience possible.  


Our league touches the thousands of Palos Verdes Peninsula residents that come to our fields to spend time to enjoy America’s favorite pastime …. Baseball. 


The Rolling Hills Little League (RHLL) is offering business sponsorships to help our league maintain the best Little League experience for our kids.  These sponsorships help to defray the league’s annual operational costs. 


These sponsorships are charitable donations that are tax deductible and provides your business ways to advertise to a target audience with demographics and spending power that can help your business grow. 


2024 RHLL Sponsorship Opportunities Include:   

1. Snack Shack Sponsor ($10,000) (two-year sponsorship) 1- available

2. Major Field Sponsorship ($5,000) (two-year sponsorship) 2-available

3. Minor Field Sponsorship ($5,000)  (two-year sponsorship) 1- available

4. Batting Cage Sponsorship ($1,000) 

Your business name and logo on a colorful 4’x6’ banner on our batting cage

 5. Double Field Banner ($800) 

Your business name and logo on a colorful 3’x5’ banners on both our Major and Minor League outfield fences  

6. Single Field Banner ($450) 

Your business name and logo on a colorful 3’x5’ banner on either our Major or Minor League outfield fence  

Make your donation before the end of the year for your 2023 tax deduction.  Rolling Hills Little League is a 501(C)(3) non-profit organization, Federal Tax ID #52-1278699.  Please use the following link for your online donation (see link below - in blue)

On behalf of the RHLL, I want to thank you for your consideration and generous support.


Tony Tootell

President, RHLL

For more information, please contact:
our Sponsorship Coordinator, Jim Bullard [email protected] or call him at 805-448-4913. Or,
our Sponsorship Chair Michael McConnell at [email protected]

Local Sponsors